Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Stapedectomy Surgery in India - Cost, Hospitals, Treatment

Stapedectomy is a surgical procedure of the middle ear to enhance hearing. The surgical treatment is typically for those patients who have become hard-of-listening due to hardening of the stapes bone inside the middle ear. The surgery involves replacement of stapes bone (one of the ossicular bones from the middle ear) with another small prosthetic(artificial) bone. In this surgical procedure, the surgeon makes use of the ear canal to access the stapes bone within the middle ear.

This surgery is found successful in nine out of ten patients who undergo this procedure and comes out with significantly improved hearing while less than 1% will experience worsened hearing or deafness. The output of this surgery is generally most reliable in patients whose stapes has lost mobility because of otosclerosis. 

Treatment for Stapedectomy in India

  1. Aster Medicity, Kochi
  2. BLK Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi
  3. Medanta - The Medicity
  4. Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon
  5. Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket

Laryngectomy Treatment in India - Cost, Hospitals. Treatment

Laryngectomy is a surgical procedure that involves removing a part or all of the voice-box (also known as the larynx). Laryngectomy can be either partial or total, in  total laryngectomy the entire larynx is removed and in a partial laryngectomy only a portion removed depending upon the patients condition. It is generally performed in patients that suffer from cancer of the larynx.   In this surgery, the doctor will make an incision in the neck area to access the larynx and take out the diseased or damaged tissue. In total laryngectomy, the doctor will have to build a new permanent airway by making a hole (known as a stoma) in the neck region, and then connect the patient's windpipe to this hole to allow for airflow.

Laryngeal cancer in most of the cases are treated with more conservative surgeries through the mouth or with radiation and sometimes chemotherapy. Laryngectomy is performed when those treatments fail to conserve the larynx or the larynx is badly severely affected. Laryngectomy is also performed on individuals with other types of head and neck cancer or severe swallowing problems. 

Treatments for Laryngectomy in India 

  1. Aster Medicity, Kochi
  2. BLK Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi
  3. Artemis Hospital, Gurgaon
  4. Medanta - The Medicity

Adenoidectomy Surgery in India - Cost, Hospital, Treatment

Adenoidectomy is a surgical operation performed to eliminate the adenoids. An adenoid is an enlarged lymphatic tissue positioned inside the lower back of the nostril and the throat close to tonsils. They're eliminated in the event that they block respiratory via the nose and in the event that they reason persistent earaches or deafness. This surgical operation is frequently completed on outpatient foundation beneath preferred anesthesia by means of otolaryngologists, and is beneficial for children with obstruction in breathing and sinusitis.

The adenoids produce white blood cells that help combat infections. normally, the adenoids reduce throughout adolescence and might disappear by means of teenage. The tissue composition of adenoids is the same as that of the tonsils. often, both tonsils and adenoids are surgically eliminated at the equal time. The patient recuperation time can variety from 7 hours to 3 days and is discharged at the same day. while the complete recovery time generally takes 1 to 2 weeks.

Treatment for Adenoidectomy in India

  1. Medanta - The Medicity
  2. Indraprastha Apollo
  3. SevenHills, New Delhi
  4. Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Nasal Obstruction - Cost, Hospital, Treatment

Nasal obstruction hinder the flow of air from the nose and causes breathing difficulty. The obstruction may block one or both the nasal passages. It can be caused by structural problems of the nose like enlarged adenoids, nasal polyps, deviated septum and other causes like sinusitis, allergies, overuse of nasal spray, etc.

Treatment ranges from medication to different surgeries. If the cause is allergic, then can be treated by medication. Also Decongestants, corticosteroids and antihistamines can be used to alleviate the symptoms of nasal obstruction. If the cause of obstruction is structural, then surgery is required. It can be treated through somnoplasty, turbinate reduction surgery, septoplasty, or adenoidectomy. Somnoplasty uses radiofrequency probes to reduce nasal tissue in the case of enlarged turbinates (structures on the side of the nose). Turbinate reduction surgery involves removing some tissue from the turbinates to increase airflow. Septoplasty involves correcting a deviated septum, also allowing for increased airflow. Finally, in adenoidectomy, the adenoids can be removed, which can help reduce the nasal obstruction.

Treatment for Nasal Obstruction in India 

  1. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi
  2. BLK Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi
  3. Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket
  4. BGS Global, Bangalore
  5. Medanta - The Medicity, Gurgaon

Tympanoplasty Surgery in India - Cost, Hospital, Treatment

Tympanoplasty is a surgery done to reconstruct a damaged eardrum. Specifically, it repairs the tympanic membrane using a graft. Tympanoplasty is also called eardrum repair. In some repair during tympanoplasty, the surgeon might also address the bones of the middle ear. The goal of this surgical procedure is not only to close the perforation but also to improve hearing and sound conduction in the ear. It is done under local or general anesthesia.

Tympanoplasty surgery eradicates the disease from the middle ear and restores the hearing and middle ear function. It is a safe and effective outpatient procedure. A number of surgical approaches and grafting techniques are available for the same. Paramount to success are the preoperative assessment, good hemostasis intraoperatively, and thoughtful surgical planning with careful placement of the graft.

Tympanoplasty Hospitals in India

  1. SevenHills Hospital
  2. Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket
  3. Medanta - The Medicity
  4. BGS Global Hospital 
  5. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital 

Treatment of Myringoplasty in India - Cost, Hospital, Treatment

Myringoplasty is a surgery done to repair perforation (a hole in the eardrum), usually caused by infection or trauma. Myringoplasty also restores hearing loss in certain cases of tinnitus. Myringoplasty should not be performed on children below 3 years of age. Also if the patient has one of the ears dead or found active discharge from the middle ear of the patient and uncontrolled nasal allergy. The surgery is done under general or local anesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision above or behind the ear to access the eardrum. The technique involves freshening the edges of the perforation to promote healing and placing a carefully trimmed graft lateral o patch-up the perforated area. 

Myringoplasty is effective in approximately 60% of cases in closing the tympanic membrane perforation. 

Two techniques to patch up the area are the underlay and the overlay technique. 

  • Underlay technique: The temporal fascia is grafted. An incision is created on the edge of the perforation and a hoop of epithelium is removed. A strip of membrane layer is removed from the inner aspect of the perforation. The middle ear is packed with gel-foam soaked with an antibiotic.The edges of the graft should extend beneath the margins of the perforation and a small part should also extend over the posterior canal wall. The tympanomeatal flap is then replaced.

  • Overlay Technique: The temporal fascia is harvested. An incision is made to raise medial meatal skin with tympanic membrane epithelium. The graft is positioned on the outer surface of the tympanic membrane and a slit is made to tuck it underneath the handle of malleus. The ear is packed with gel-foam and antibiotics, and the incision is closed. 

Myringoplasty Hopsitals in India

  1. SevenHills Hospital
  2. Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket
  3. Medanta - The Medicity
  4. BGS Global Hospital
  5. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital 

Monday, January 30, 2017

Tonsillectomy Surgery in India - Cost, Hospital, Treatment

Tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure where the tonsils are removed from the back of the throat, this procedure is done under general anesthesia and performed on patients that suffer from tonsillitis, nasal airway obstruction, breathing problem while sleeping, etc. This procedure is sometimes performed jointly with the removal of adenoids, it is a mass of enlarged lymphatic tissue between the back of the nose and the throat; often hindering speaking and breathing in young children. This procedure is called adenoidectomy or (tonsilloadenoidectomy or adenotonsillectomy when combined). The surgeon will remove the tonsils using one of the varieties of methods that can include radiofrequency ablation, harmonic scalpel, traditional scalpel, laser, or any other techniques that will remove the tonsils in the most appropriate manner possible. 

Tonsillectomy Hospitals in India

  1. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital
  2. Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket
  3. Medanta - The Medicity
  4. BGS Global Hospital
  5. SevenHills Hospital

Sinus Surgery in India - Cost, Hospital, Treatment

Sinus surgery is a surgery to make drainage of the sinuses better, usually by removing the blockage and draining the mucus. This may mean removing the infected, swollen or damaged tissue. The surgery is usually for patients that have chronic inflammation of the sinuses that can interfere with fluid drainage. For this endoscopic surgery is performed where the doctor uses an endoscope to view the sinuses. He or she will then use surgical techniques to attempt to widen anatomical channels to allow fluids to drain from the sinuses. In some cases, balloons might be used to widen these channels.It can also be performed by traditional process under local or general anesthesia. 

Surgery may be the only means of getting a badly blocked, infected sinus to drain properly. But surgery does not always completely eliminate sinusitis. Some people may need a second operation.

Sinus Surgery Hospitals in India

  1.  Medanta - The Medicity
  2.  Seven Hills
  3.  Indraprastha Apollo
  4.  Max Super Speciality Hospital Saket

Cost of Sinus Surgery in India 

India is one of the best hubs for undergoing surgery for Sinusitis. The treatment cost 60-80% lesser than the existing price in USA and UK. It also offers value added services like transportation, accommodation, food. So, whether you want to go economical or splurge, there is a wide range to choose from. Average Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery cost in India is $3500 to $4000 USD

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Septoplasty Surgery in India - Cost, Hospital, Treatment

Septoplasty is a corrective surgical procedure done to straighten the nasal septum, the partition between the two nasal cavities. Ideally, the septum should run down the center of the nose. When it deviates into one of the cavities, it narrows that cavity and impedes airflow. Deviated nasal septum or crooked internal nose can occur at childbirth or as the result of an injury or other trauma. If the wall that functions as a separator of both sides of the nose is tilted towards one side at a degree greater than 50%, it might cause difficulty breathing. Septoplasty is sometimes done with rhinoplasty for cosmetic correction of the deformities of the external nasal framework. Often the inferior turbinate on the opposite side enlarges, which is termed compensatory hypertrophy. Deviations of the septum can lead to nasal obstruction. Most surgeries are completed in 60 minutes or less, while the recovery time could be up to several weeks.When planning septoplasty, your surgeon considers your symptoms such as breathing difficulties and the physical structure and features of your nose. 

Septoplasty Hospitals in India

  1.  Medanta - The Medicity
  2.  Indraprastha Apollo
  3.  Seven Hills
  4.  Max Super Speciality Hospital Saket

Septoplasty Surgery cost in India:

The cost of Septoplasty in India is considered low as compared to other countries. Cost is from $ 954 to $ 3,969. With an average price of $ 1,754.